What is Newsgroups ?

Newsgroups - Area on the Web where users conduct written discussions about a particular subject. Also called threaded discussion. The topic categories originally were called newsgroups or forums. Usenet categories are also referred to as Internet discussion groups. Usenet was one of the first large distributed information databases in the world. A distributed database is stored in multiple physical locations, with portions of the database replicated in different locations. Newsgroups stores messages on an electronic bulletin board as articles or postings that are sorted by topic.

A series of postings on a particular issue is called a thread. Usenet is a network of computers called news servers. Periodically news servers connect to each other and compare a list of articles that each currently is storing. After this comparison, each news server obtains copies of the articles it does not have. This store-and-forward process is called obtaining a newsfeed. Each news server site employs a news administrator, who specifies which other news servers will be newsfeed providers and newsfeed recipients.

Newsfeeds use the Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP), which is part of the TCP/IP protocol. Newsreaders are programs designed for the sole purpose of communicating with news server computers. Most e-mail programs today include newsreader features. Tile.net maintains a comprehensive list of Usenet newsgroups in its databases.

Newsgroup Hierarchies – the topical organization in which each newsgroup has a unique name that shows its position and classification in the hierarchy.


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