What is Message Board ? What is Chat ?

Message Board - A popular web-based type of discussion group that does not require a newsreader. It is also called a Discussion board.

Chat - A general term for real-time communication on the Internet or Web.

Private chat – occurs between two individuals.

Public chat – group chat area.

Lurking – the practice of reading messages and not contributing to the discussion.

Chat rooms – Web chat sites that use the browser client software interface to create combined text and graphic environments for chat participants.

Emoticons (or smileys) are used to display humor and emotions in their messages.

Netiquette – Internet etiquette suck as avoid flaming and spamming. Types of chat rooms: Voice chats, Video chats, Radio chats.

Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
- In 1988, developed as a multiuser program at the University of Oulu in Finland. IRC uses a client-server network model. IRC servers are connected through the Internet to form an IRC network. Original network was EFNet, which is still one of the largest IRC networks today. Other major IRC networks: IRCNet, Undernet, DALnet, NewNet.

IRC networks organize their chats by topic. Each topic area is a channel. Channel heading use the pound sign (#) to indicate the chat’s topic. When a participant creates a new channel, he or she is responsible for managing the channel and is called the channel operator.

Participants select nicknames when they log on to an IRC server. Channel operator’s nickname is preceded by an “at” symbol. An IRC robot or bots performs routine services on the IRC system.


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